Other projects

Testing and learning project.

I have worked with Arduinos for a about a year so I still have a lot to learn. Trying new things, learning how to read datasheets, build circuits, design circuits and have fun is the main objective.
  1. Bluetooth circuit
  2. Test the Zener diodes
  3. Test using ArduinoISP -> Test using Arduino on breadboard as ISP
  4. Try the Digital-pot
  5. Test external EEPROM (ordered)
  6. Try PIC programming
  7. Learn how to use Fritzing and order a custom PCB

ATtiny RGB-LED with serial communication 

Programming the ATtiny13V

The ATtiny13V is going to drive a RGB-LED. With Color and intensity to be communicated from other Arduino or IR.
  • Test the RGB-LED
  • Test wireing the tiny to a Arduino and think of a way of communicating
  • Software or hardware-PWM?

New programmer

I got one programmer but it is fun to build one myself. And I would like one with a ZIF-socket... 

A programmer on a breadboard

The soldered version with space for level conversion and ZIF socket + chrystal
  • Wait for zif socket from dx
  • Download AVRStudio (done) could not work easily with USBtiny
  • test uploading hex file and set fuses (done)
  • test the soldered version (done)
  • test the 74HC125 and see if it works like 74AHC125

New USB to serial (not started)

I got one of these also but I like the idea of doing something with my ATtiny85 and since I have so many Arduinos its always nice to have another one.

Raspberry PI- Pic-Programmer (not started)

  • Buy 12V Battery/ies
  • Wire it up, I probably have the parts
  • Order a compatible PIC. perhaps pic16f628a (Kjell 49:-)

Veroduino (not started)

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